Saturday, 4 June 2011

The sweetest sound

This morning we had a morning at home to catch up on all our jobs because we have only been back from Fiji for a week. Little Miss CS was quite happy pottering around after us and "helping" us as much as she could. (I just love this little helper age!) Anyway, I was in the kitchen unpacking the dishes when I heard the sweetest sound a mummy can hear - Mr CS and Little Miss CS giggling together.

I think one on one daddy play time is so important for our little ones for a number of reasons:

  1. It shows our children that daddy cares as much as mummy even if he is at work during the week
  2. It shows our children that daddy loves and plays in a different way to mummy (they were rough-housing on the bed!)
  3. It allows our children to bond in a unique way with their daddies
  4. It allows our children to show their personality in a different way (Little Miss CS plays so differently with Mr CS)
  5. And lastly, it gives us mummies a few minutes to ourselves!!!
Do you love the sound of your daddies and kiddies playing together? What is their favourite game?

Have a great week.

CSM xxxx

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